
Chanel authenticity card font
Chanel authenticity card font

chanel authenticity card font

The cuts and stitches on the original are done very precisely and elegantly. Although both of the bags weighed the same, there are medium replicas that do not put enough effort to replicate the weight of the chains. Keep in mind that Chanel chains are made with 24k gold and try to compare the weight of the chains. The original is very elegant and the rectangle is very precise, the fake one is more of a square shape or irregular rectangle. Today I will be comparing the original with a fake I stumbled across. The Price of the original Chanel Classic Mini Rectangle in Europe is 3500 Euro.

chanel authenticity card font

The variety of colors makes it really hard to choose but I am very pleased with my decision. I found a new love this winter when I purchased the Chanel Classic Mini Rectangle in the second most beautiful color (after the Hermes Bloody Orange). Hope everyone is good and having a great time.

Chanel authenticity card font